LinkFive - Successful Subscriptions

Apple App Store API v2 connection

Apple App Store API v2 connection

Everything you need to know how to connect Apple v2 to LinkFive

Enable App Store Server to Server notifications

LinkFive has full integration of Apple Server to Server notifications. Whenever a user changes their subscription status, Apple notifies our API to ensure that your users have a valid subscription.

Please use the following URL for all Apple Notifications:
  •  1. Go to the App Store Connect App Overview and open your App.
  •  2. Select the side-menu-tab: App Informations and scroll down to App Store Server Notifications.
Appstore Server to Server notification Step 1 - LinkFive
  •  3. Click on Set Up Url
  •  4. Type in: and select Version 2 Notifications
Appstore Server to Server notification Step 2 - LinkFive
  •  5. Also set up Sandbox Notifications in the same way.
Appstore Server to Server notification Step 3 - LinkFive

LinkFive Key Overview

We need 3 different components to validate that your users own a valid subscription:

  •  1. The In-App Purchase Key
  •  2. The created Key ID
  •  3. The Issuer ID

We use the in-app purchase key to verify that a purchase has been made through your app and to collect other information about when the subscription ends and whether it has been cancelled.

Generate the In-App Purchase Key

  •  1. Go to the App Store Connect and open the “Users ans Access“-tab.
  •  2. Go to “Keys“
  •  3. Click on In-App Purchase and click on the (+) Add-icon
Step 1 to create app store subscription key for LinkFive
  •  4. Give it a custom name like LinkFive Api Key.
Step 2 to create app store subscription key for LinkFive
  •  5. Download the Key file
Step 2 to create app store subscription key for LinkFive
  •  6. Upload to LinkFive

Find the Key ID

The Key ID is next to the created Key

The Issuer ID

The Issuer ID is the same for each key you've created. The KeyId is currently on the App Store Connect API tab.

Step 2 to create app store subscription key for LinkFive

Thats all we need.

App Store Connect API Key

You can also create a new App Store Connect Api Key.

The App Store Connect Api Key is also a valid Key you can upload to LinkFive.