LinkFive - Successful Subscriptions

Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration

Connect your LinkFive App to Zapier

Use Zapier to get real-time purchase events. With Zapier, you can connect these events to Slack, Google Teams, Google Sheet or thousands of other apps.

Create a Server Api Key

In order to connect LinkFive to Zapier, you need to create and provide a Server API Key. Here is how you can create one:

  • Go to the Api Section after you've logged into LinkFive or go to
  • Go to the Section 'Server Api Keys' and click on 'Create New Api Key'
  • Copy the Api Key and use it inside the Zapier authentication flow

Available Events

All events are listed below:


Whenever a user of your App purchases a plan, we'll send the event to your Zapier Integration.

"notificationType": "NEW_PURCHASE",
"planId": "2000000008768889",
"rootId": "1000000835486221",
"storeType": "APPLE_APP_STORE",
"customerUserId": "s",
"productId": "quarterly_pro_2020_4",
"purchaseDate": "2022-03-11T15:04:29.000+01:00",
"endDate": "2022-03-11T15:19:29.000+01:00",
"isTrial": false,
"isSandbox": true,
"inGracePeriod": false,
"gracePeriodExpired": false,
"price": 1.99,
"currency": "EUR"

The first version will only include NEW_PURCHASE events. More will follow soon.